Plans aligned with your growth goals

Plans start at $199/mo. Unsubscribe anytime.
Perfect for recruiters who want to get started in their client prospecting efforts while offering room for expansion and additional features as needed.
$199/mo billed monthly
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  • Browse aggregated job listings across all industry segments
    Job listings aggregated from every actively hiring company in existence. All in one place.
  • Basic decision maker identity resolution
    Up to 1000 prospecting queries per month to discover potential clients.
  • Chrome extension
    Match candidates instantly to open roles across any job board and retrieve hiring manager info in a single click.
  • Basic email support for any questions or assistance.
    Access to FAQ and help center which covers any basic usage questions.
Most popular
Designed for recruitment agencies who want to leverage AI technology to automate their workflow, manage their team, and keep track of their clients workforce at a higher scale.
$499/mo billed monthly
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  • Access to AI powered client prospecting automation
    AI that thinks like an experienced recruiter. Get matches that actually produce results and place candidates faster and with flawless accuracy.
  • Client workforce triggers
    Be first in line. Subscribe to your active client prospects to receive real-time updates on workforce changes.
  • Higher limits on all AI-generation features
    Up to 10,000 prospecting queries per month to maximize candidate placement probability.
  • Team features
    Up to 5 additional seats to manage your agency and maximize output.
  • 24/7 dedicated support
    Priority 24/7 customer support with dedicated account management.
Designed for large recruitment agencies and enterprises seeking comprehensive AI-powered client prospecting solutions and adapted integrations.
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  • Prospect database
    Download all prospects from our massive lead database in CSV format.
  • Unlimited limits on all AI-generation features
    Unlimited GPT-3.5 & GPT-4 credits for a virtually endless prospecting throughput for larger organizations.
  • Analytics dashboard
    Advanced analytics and reporting for in-depth insights into your prospecting performance.